Tuesday 24 September 2013

Opemning to Toy Story

There are many camera shots to create a varied atmosphere and to tell us more about the film close ups are used to show us the characters and long shots are used to show the whole scenery. The sound goes quiet and Mr Potato head gets a close up on his face and an over the shoulder view, this gets us to see the characters and we get an incite to what the characters are going to be like. The close up on the T-Rex makes us understand he is meant to be feared.
        The editing pace is at a medium tempo sometimes speeding up so you can see which parts are exciting and which parts want you to see more of the characters.
        There are things through out that make us understand the genre of this film, i get the impression that there are two different genres in the opening two minuets. firstly we feel it is an animation due to the boy the main character is a fake and is animated, we get the impression it is a fantasy when we see woody save the toy woman with sheep, this makes us realize the different genres of this film.
        We can tell that the target audience of this film is a family as it has some funny parts and it can be related to real life of some family's.
        The music when wody enters shows us that he is the protagonist and that he is going to continue that through ought the film. The song "you've got a friend in me" shows us that the boy is friendly with his toys and they are friendly with him back.
        The opening with the boy and the toys is done to show us what the characters are like and we can get the feeling for what they are going to be like through the film.We can tell that the young boy the main character is quite violent as he creates a violent scene at the start, but we can also tell he is a happy boy
        I think that the opening of this film sets us up for the film and is very exciting as you do not know what is going to happen to the toys and what the story line is going to be like as they only show you the toys and the scenery. Also i think it is interesting as you can relate it back to when you were a child and used to play with your toys

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