Wednesday 2 October 2013

Opening to James Bond

The long shot on the mountains sets the scene, having the close ups on the car and on the gun gets us excited because we realize their is going to be alot of violence. All the close ups on the cars being shots gives us a real incite to what is happening and makes us feel as if we are their. The over the shoulder view enables us to see in front of James Bond and lets us see what he is seeing. Many shot types are constantly being used. this is so that we get a real feel for the film.
        Their is a fast editing pace, this is so that the scenes flow quickly to show all the action taking place, also it keeps us gripped as we what to know constantly what is going to happen to the main character, also a fast editing pace lets us see all the minor details.
        We get the impression that this film is targeted towards boys, this is because boys like to be able to think they can relate it to real life. Having guns and violence means that this group of people are gripped instantly from the start till the end.
        A loud piece of music constantly being played in the background builds tension in a chase scene like this, it makes you feel different emotions and you get a real feel for the film. also it makes you wonder if he is going to get away as at some point the music changes pitch and it makes you sit on the edge of your seat hoping he does get away, but we he does the chase continues and the music continues.
         We can instantly tell that this film film is going to be an action due to the loud noises the nice cars and all the guns we are also able to tell who the main protagonists are going to be and we can take a guess who the hero is going to be. The explosions and people dying are usually the main conventions of an action film.
        I think the opening of this film is really good, this is because it gives you a real feel for all of the characters, it sets the scene perfectly and finally it keeps you gripped and makes you want to find out what is going to happen next.

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