This is our target audience, they are teenagers and a mixture of both boys and girls. We believe that these people will watch our film because boys like to put themselves in that situation as they feel the danger and the aggression. Also boys are stereo typically know for action films, the people I took a picture of all said they like action films. Girls believe that in an action film there is allays romance and the girls do not want the lovers to die We have John on the left, John said that his favorite genre was action, thriller. John said that his favorite film was Casino Royale, this was because he enjoyed all the action and he thought that the fight scenes we shot well it was fast paced and it flowed smoothly, he shops locally in the shop Waitrose. John regularly buys films once a fortnight from his local blockbusters. Next we have Sarah on the right of John. Sarah said that if she were to go and watch a film it would be an action film she said she loves all James Bond films as they build up tension and the romance between some of the characters makes her want to watch on to see what happens between the characters. Sarah shops at Sainsburys and if she wants a cheap shop she shops in Lidle she said she has love film so that she can keep up to date with the latest films. Next to Sarah we have Lydia, Lydia said she is not as into films but she does find thriller films very fun. She said that her favorite film she has watched was Shutter Island although our film is an action film a lot of the characteristics in a thriller are similar. Lydia said that Shutter Island was filmed well and had a lot of interesting films that kept you on the edge of your seat. the film had interesting scenes and the whole thing was filmed in an interesting area. Lydia shops in Sainsburys and buys or watches a film once a month as she is not as keen as the others. Finally we have Ben on the right, Ben likes watching films the most out of the people in the picture. He watches a new film every other day and he said that he could not live without action films as he is able to imagine being in the film and he feels that when watching them he can relate it to real life, Ben said that James bond is his favorite action film because the whole set and the people involved are "amazing" .
From what the people I asked said i believe that making an action film was a good idea because these people said they would watch an action film over any other genre. Also i believe that we will be able to target a larger audience doing an action film because younger children always love a fight so this genre will appeal to them. Also action films have characters involved they are able to relate to.
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