Friday, 4 April 2014
Thursday, 20 March 2014
This is our animatic I believe that the pictures are well drawn but it can be hard to follow due to the minimal amount of pictures taken. The animatic is used to show the story board in a nice slow motion so that you can get a film for the film shown by drawings.
Evaluation task 5
We can relate our film too other films because we thought that if we get little things from other films and change them to make them look unique then it could be a very good start to a film. we did not get all ideas from other films, but the ideas we did get we changed so they didn't look anything like the the scene we got the idea from. Our film had to appeal to our target audience so we only got the ideas from successful films so that we did not make a bad decision.
Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Tutorial for Beginners
When I first started using Windows Premier Elements 10 I was not too sure on the basics and I did not really understand how the software worked because the software was new to me. This online tutorial showed me the basics on how to start creating my film and what I had to do when I wanted to begin making my film. Although some of the stuff which was stated in this tutorial I knew already there were things on this clip that I would not have know when I was starting.
Evaluation task 8
Now it has come to the end of the year I am able to set myself some personal targets for next year. I have enjoyed the first year but I know what I have to improve on and what I would do differently for next year when we have to create our trailer.
Firstly I am not going to do an action /thriller film again, this is because we had to carry guns and things that would look suspicious when we are out filming. Although we are not causing trouble people do not know this so could think we are causing trouble. I believe that an action/thriller is hard to film and there is a lot of detail you need to fit into the film to make the target audience realize the genre of the film. Creating an action film is good fun but it at times took a lot of time to make the scenes perfect as we did not think that some of the shots were good enough.
The things I would have changed is that some of the scenes do not flow smoothly, they did not have a structure because they were filmed on a different day. This made the editing side hard because you were not able to film the shot again meaning that you had to try and change the film to make the shot fit in to the piece. so next time I know that I will film everything on the first day getting loads of different shot and getting everything filmed to perfection we did not film shots from different angles we just re filmed them to make sure they were what we wanted, some were not what we wanted in the end tho meaning we had to go out and film again.
Firstly I am not going to do an action /thriller film again, this is because we had to carry guns and things that would look suspicious when we are out filming. Although we are not causing trouble people do not know this so could think we are causing trouble. I believe that an action/thriller is hard to film and there is a lot of detail you need to fit into the film to make the target audience realize the genre of the film. Creating an action film is good fun but it at times took a lot of time to make the scenes perfect as we did not think that some of the shots were good enough.
The things I would have changed is that some of the scenes do not flow smoothly, they did not have a structure because they were filmed on a different day. This made the editing side hard because you were not able to film the shot again meaning that you had to try and change the film to make the shot fit in to the piece. so next time I know that I will film everything on the first day getting loads of different shot and getting everything filmed to perfection we did not film shots from different angles we just re filmed them to make sure they were what we wanted, some were not what we wanted in the end tho meaning we had to go out and film again.
Evaluation task 7
When we first started AS media I did not know much about camera composition and I did not know many shot types available to us, I would have never know what the 180 degree rule was. Learning these new skills made me understand and appreciate how hard it is to make a film and how you can make a film more interesting by changing one shot. in our preliminary task we showed shot reverse shot when we switched between the two characters, this makes the audience see the character and know who he is talking to but it can also create suspense.Doing this in the preliminary task made us realize that this shot can be used in our real film when we flick between our antagonist and protagonist this shot would have been useless without practice and knowledge of the shot. Match on action was a very interesting and fun shot to use as it gives you an extreme close up on a characters prop or body part. During the film we used this when we wanted to see the villain load his gun. Doing this made the audience feel tension and we believed that it would fit in with the scene we know that from our preliminary task the whole shot had to flow smoothly and the editing had to make sure that the scene before and after had to fit in with this shot. The close up had to fit the whole shot in without getting anything unnecessary in the scene otherwise the audience does not see what you want them to see. We learnt alot about camerawork and different shot types which allowed us to vary the scenes in our film making it look unique. We wanted to use as many shots as possible and make sure that all the scenes fit in with the start of our film to make sure the audience were able to enjoy the film as much as possible this was done well due to the shots and camera work being taught to us at the start of the year. I believe I have learnt a lot from the beginning
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Evaluation task 4
From what the people I asked said i believe that making an action film was a good idea because these people said they would watch an action film over any other genre. Also i believe that we will be able to target a larger audience doing an action film because younger children always love a fight so this genre will appeal to them. Also action films have characters involved they are able to relate to.
Evaluation task 6
This is the equipment we used, the camera and the cable were used when we wanted to film our piece then put it onto the computer so that we could edit our final piece. The camera was a good quality and the tripod allowed us to capture shot without the camera moving. the software we used on the computers was adobe premiere elements 10. This was a good software as it allowed us to create our film to a good enough standard. The computers used allowed us to access this software allowing us to then create our film
Friday, 14 March 2014
Evaluation Targets
Well done so far - although you need to evidence the group tasks like director's commentary and your annotated final piece. Revisit your recent posts and include specialist terminology to explore mise-en-scene, editing and camera composition and comment on the way you intended to appeal to your target audience even more - a good start to this section of your coursework project. Well done!
Wednesday, 12 March 2014
Evaluation task 2
I believe that although these two people do not look alike they have a lot
in common. Clothing worn in most secret agent films are smart and expensive so
we decided to conform this stereotype as it instantly make the audience realize
the genre of this film we did not want them to look the exact same as this may not look original so we gave him some different features. I decided to put these two characters together because
I believe that both characters have characteristics that match one another. For
example their body gestures when they are holding a gun or when they are in trouble
are similar. Although James bond does not ride a moped his motorbike is
similar. The tone in which both characters speak is similar. The tone of voice and their actions are similar in our scene when the secret agent beats up Thomas, is similar to some of the fight scenes James Bond has in some of his films. He is quick on his feet and he is a strong character who can take a beating. But both characters know how to escape from a bad situation as they are clever and they are smart when it comes to a plan.
Friday, 7 March 2014
Audience comments
Our audience comments were given to us from people who had only recently watched our film. Their comments were non biased as they gave us things to improve on and explained to us the things that they thought were good about our film. I think everything that was said in the comments were correct from watching our film back I understand the audiences comments because I believe there are things that can be improved on. If I had more time I would change a few things and take into consideration what the audience have said about the film because in the long run it is what they want.
Evaluation task 1
Our film is called Alliance because in our film the groups of agents build different alliances. constantly throughout the film the different alliances get broken. The characters betray one another, this is what our film is based on. The relationships and how friends betray each other in order to make themselves more powerful. The title 'Alliance' poses the audience with a number of different enigmas to consider such as: who is in Alliance? What is the plot in? Who is betrayed? and who do we side for?
Our film title is placed at the end of the opening two minuets. We decided to do this because when people decide to start watching the opening they wonder what it is all about. Then they decide to carry on watching it as they are gripped and want to know the name of the film. The film name works really well at the end because when the audience see the film name it will make them want to see the whole film.
The text is plain white with a black background. this is because we did not want something that is to over the top as that may ruin the film this font is big, bold so that it makes the audience understand more about the film being a secret agent film. The text also is not too much meaning people may want to find out more about what is going to happen next.
Our production credit is JAK productions we decided to call it this because it is the first letter of each our names Jack Nunn, Kieran Hosking and Alex Morgan. We decided that if we were going to use the first letter of our names then we should make it sound like an actual word and JAK sounds like JACK and this is one of our characters so we thought that it would make sense to call our production credit JAK.
The credit is placed right at the start of the film. JACK productions shows the audience the production company. We decided that placing it at the start would make the audience think more about the film being good as the production company is well known
We did not want to make the production company colors and text too over the top because then it may look a bit too much for the audience and may mislead them. Also having the text a plain color looks professional and makes the audience get the impression that our film is going to be about something serious. We chose to use white capitals in bold on a black background because it made it look conventional and made the production company seem more important.
In our film we placed text with the characters names on the
shot, when each new character appeared there name would appear. The text would
come up in different ways but each way reflected on the scene and the
character. We made sure that the entrance of the name fitted in with the music
because otherwise it would not look professional. We had three different types
of text that arrived, the first would be the start of the character’s name,
second would be there surname and finally their whole name. We did this because
we thought that it would bring more tension to the scenes and make them look a
bit more interesting
The text was a plain color because in an action film you do
not want to have bright colors as it contrasts with the scene and looks very
unprofessional. Also having the text bold and big makes the scene look more
like an action film as our characters are posh we want the text to link into
the idea of having a high status setting it also will link into the idea of a man in a
suit as this would also be classified as being high status.
In this scene we decided to edit it so that we had two
different shots of it. This was done so that the audience see the agent with
the Intel throwing it under the bin. From this angle you get the impression
that someone is looking down on him and about to hurt him. This shot was put
here so that in shot 2 we see the character getting hurt by another character
but using a different shot. The second shot was used so that we can see the
agent getting beaten up but from a better angle this angle shows us the characters
facial expression and shows us who is hurting him so we feel for the agent. The
editing on this scene makes the audience feel for the agent and makes the scene
flow quickly so show the idea of fast pace editing. Fast paced editing is one
of the reasons our film flowing so smoothly because without it it would not
have seemed like an action film. If we were to film this sequence again we could have made sure than when we shot this we did a load of different shots on the same day because we had to re film it and the two clips were from two separate days.
This is our fast pace scene we made sure that all scenes fit together so that it looks like a fast scene where all the scenes link together also we wanted this scene to build tension and show that our secret agent is a hero. This scene will make the audience feel for the agent and want him to succeed in his mission. The shots are all different and they all link together to look like he is traveling at speed This scene was placed in this part of the film because it flowed and fitted in well with the rest of the opening. A fast paced scene opens the film well and shows the audience what they are in for.
The costumes our characters wear reflect on the role they have in the film the costumes our characters are wearing show us the genre of the film and make the audience understand what type of people the characters are. most of our characters wear suits and some have other props to make them look more intimidating. none of the characters change costumes in the start as we believe that a secret agent always wears a suit.
This scene shows a transition and a change in setting. Although you cannot see the scene in this shot the transition. we used this white change to show this clearly that it is a new scene and that the setting is about to change. We used this color for the transition because it shows the audience clearly that a flashback is going to happen. Timing the transition had to be do to show a clear change in time and to show the flash back in a clear and unique way. I think this works well in the piece because it makes you feel like you are traveling back in time with the characters and make you want to be there with them.
This is our opening to the film. This opening sets the scene and shows us who the main character is because you see him in the center of the shot. The shot is of our main character in trouble. Having or main character placed on his own at the start of the film makes the audience realize who the main character is and it sets the scene. You can instantly notice what the film is going to be about and this shows the stereotypes of a action film. We put this here because it makes the audience instantly feel sorrow for this character making them instantly understand who this character is and they realize he is going to be the hero in the film as he is in trouble but is shown to be stuck. We were tempted to start off with a chase scene but we thought that this would not create an atmosphere.
Friday, 14 February 2014
Shot 13-15
This is the final part of the story board and you see jack and Dom Gazing at secret agent. He then beats up Thomas and the last scene is in the interrogation scene when agent Sinclair beats up Dom.
Shot 11-12
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Alex practicing guitar

Drums props
These drums were not used in our piece. Although this was the case we tried finding a scene where we could use them to make our music sound better.
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