Roughly 0-30 Seconds the opening secene-
Angent sinclair in being questioned, we start off with a close high angle view on his face to see his facial expression then we see the villians sidekick next to him this is done so we can see what the agent is feeling and we get a better view on what is happening to the agent. Then the supervillan walks in and it an over the shoulder view so you are reminded the super villain is there but you still see the agent. Then the villians sidekick takes over and beats up the secret agent.
Roughly at 30-1:40 The chase scene-
Agent sincair has a long shot on hit moped driving down Epsom Downs this gives you an idea on where this scene is going to take place. Then we get a medium shot of the villains with guns trying to shoot the agent this is a shot reverse shot and this shows you who is going to be in the scene and we get a better view on the location. When agent Sinclaire reaches the car park we have a medium shot on the agent power sliding to build up excitement. Then the close up and a zoom out on the dead agent this creates more tension and it makes the secret agent seem more vounrable. Having a medim shot on the secret agent hiding behind his bike it is also a high angled view to show him even more vounrable.
Roughly at 1:40-2:00 The final scene-
We see the villains sidekick and agent Sinclair an over the shoulder view back in the interogation scene and the secret agent breaks free and plants the villians sidekicks head into the cardboard box, the rest of this scene is a medium shot length.
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