Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Conventions of a romanc film

Conventions of a romanc film?
-Usually located in a local street where one of the characters live so that we get a feeling for the environment.
-We have one wierd friend, this person is usually not good with romance but is a really good friend to the main character.
-There is usually a fight between the two lovers over something ridiculous but they allways end up getting back together.
-There is also usually a punch up between two characters who both fancy the same person.
-The family are always the same, the mother allways wants her child to go out with someone and the family is never really interestend as he does not have much of an imput into the family.
-Usually it is what we expect to happen on a day to day basis, the boy tends to be the typical boy/girl in love.
-The girl/boy when talking to the person they fancy begin to talk quickly whilst stuttering their words.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Conventions of a horror film

Conventions of a horror film?

-Slow pace editing, builds tension and makes us sit on the edge of our seats.
-Jump scenes are the main reason for watching a horror film as you are intrigued to find out what is going to happen.
-There are a lot of dark scenes so that we feel worried as we usually expect people to be scared of the dark.
-There are a lot of dark streets with narrow allyways.
-Sometimes they are set in a ruined home ontop of a hill with some lights out the front of the house.
-A lot of low angles are used to show a character with more authority and to make him look more visious.
-High angled shots are used to connote fear.
-Disturbed sounds make us feel worried and get our hearts beating.

Conventions of an action film

Conventions of an action film?

-Fast pace editing straight away tells us alot of action is going to take place.
-A villain, usually foreign or want to break a romance.
-A hero usually macho and has a secret crush on a woman who he is either saving or working with.
-Lots of different shot types are used to give a feel of who the characters are and where it is going to take place.
-Exotic location, so we get away from the average lifestyle and makes us imagine better things.   
-Unique characters, so we understand and can identify the different characters due to costumes or personality.
-A betrayer, this is usually the weakest person in the team joins the opposition as wants payback.
-Explosions, this makes us feel worried and makes us think about the danger.
-Something always goes wrong before things go right, this is done for suspense and we get more into the film.  

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Media Studies Editing Techniques-Shot Reverse Shot, 180degree shot and match cutting

SHOT REVERSE SHOT- Shot reverse shot is a shot type in filming where one caracter is shown to be looking at another specific character usually off screen, the the camera chages so that you think that the second character is looking back at the first character so that we assume they are both having a conversation to each other. This can be shown using different shot lengths so that you can understand both the characters feelings by body expressions or facial expressions. The shot reverse shot is usually used to show a conversation between two or more people it can also be used to show who someone is looking at when they are speaking.

180 DEGREE SHOT-This shot is where the camera has to remain one one side of a straight imaginary line. Using this shot enables the audience to orientate and move position with the angle of the camera. Switching sides of the imaginary line confuses the audience as it means both characters have switched positions and everything is the opposite way round disorientating the audience.The line has to be perpendicular to the camera in order for this shot to be effective. A long sot is usually used in this circumstance as this can be the most effective shot in this situation.

MATCH CUTTING-Match cutting is used in to different shot types often used to on two objects or two different spaces, this is done so that you are able to understand the scene more as you get a better prospective. A director cuts from one scene to another but with the thing occupying the previous in the next shot occupying the new space in the new shot. Match cutting give the audience a different view on the previous scene so that they are able to see a something new.

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Opening to 21 Jump Street

The high angled view on the bus shows gets us set up for the film as we are able to assume where the film is roughly going to be set and we get an idea of the age of the character. Followed by an aver the shoulder view of the character we guess is going to be one of the main characters. The over the shoulder view shows us what he is looking at and we under stand he is jelouse of some people. also it shows us the whole view of the area. The medium shot length shows us the character and shows us his facial expressions also we can see what he is thinking about the girl he likes. They have an over the shoulder view on the boy from the girls shoulder, this is done to show us who he is talking to. Making the shot medium length we the gang are winding him up shows us who they are and you see all their expressions.
        Their is a slow editing pace and not many shots, this is done so you are able to tell all of the characters facial expressions and you get a real feel for how the character is feeling at specific points in the opening, also you get suspense when the boy is asking questions to the girl.
        From the opening we get the impression that this films genre is going to be a comedy, if you pay close attention then you get the impression that their may be some action as their is a rivalry between both boys, Comedy is created when the boys are winding up the other boy who is asking the girl out.
        The target audience of this film is for teenagers, this is because from the opening few minuets the school setting relates to real life also you are able to associate the characters to people in real life as their is allays someone getting picked on by a group of people.
        Music is being played in the background, this is done to show off the characters personality and to understand the character from a different point of view, it contrasts him as the music portrays him to be a popular person.
        Personally I do not think the opening of this film is great as you are not able to tell who the main characters are, also after wating the film i think the start is very misleading.

Opening to Shaun Of The Dead

The long shot on the random people sets the scene and shows us where the film is going to be set, the medium shots on the people with phones show us that this film is going to have something to do with the genre, the medium shot on all the people walking in sync shows what this film is going to be about and shows some of the characters involved. The close up on the mans feet make us feel something unusual is going to happen, then when we see his face our thoughts change. The medium shot length on the two main characters shows us what we are going to expect in this film.
        The editing pace is slow paced as they want you to see all the detail in the shot also as it it is a mixed genre film they want to confuse you early on so that it gets you thinking and keeps you gripped to the film.
        From the start of this film we get the impression it is going to have some action and some comedy. I think this because both of the characters seem unique and a bit weird, also you can tell it is going to include some action from them playing on the play station, a play station usually is associated with action.
        We can tell that the target audience is for teenagers and adults this is because we can tell that teenagers are able to associate it in real life also for a parent as it is a comedy parents will be able to understand the comedy.
        I get the impression that there are two genres involved in this opening, we can tell it is going to be a comedy, this is because we can tell the two main characters by their facial expressions that they are going to be humorous people, the action side comes from when we see the other characters walking in sync and looking like zombies so we assume there is going to be something happening between these two characters.
         The music being played through the opening is quite comedian and mysterious to make us wonder what is happening and what is going to happen this reassures us that this film is going to be a comedy and to be an action.
         The opening of this film is a great opening as it is a very mysterious opening and you do not know what is going to happen, the genre of this film is portrayed perfectly and you get very excited from the way everything is showed on the opening.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Opening to Kick Ass

The first camera shot is a long shot of a tall building and then you get an over the shoulder view. This gives you a better idea of whats happening and where the scene is going to be taking place, then the medium shot length of the adults shows us their reaction on what is going on and makes us fell that this person is going to be a recognized character. Until we get another medium length shot on the boy crashed into the taxi and the adults reaction this is when we get a different view on what is happening.
        Their is a slow editing pace at the start, this is done to build up the atmosphere and wants to make you feel proud of the character. Then the editing pace builds up when he jumps of the building this is done to show us what everyone is feeling and to show us the reactions of people.
        Families are the main target audience, i get this impression because we see the boy and then adults. This is done to show the adults feeling toward him and to show how much they appreciate him also families like films that they are able to relate to and this is what this opening does.
        Music is being played in the background, it is inspirational music so we get the feeling that we are meant to feel privileged. The boy crashes into the car and the music stops, this is done to make us stop feeling how we are and to change are feeling towards what is going on.
        We can tell that this film is going to be an actin and have some comedy, this is because we get the impression from the start where their is a radio speech that someone is going to save the day, also the costume the boy is wearing suggests to us he is a superhero and that gives us the impression others will be as well. The comedy side comes when he crashes into the car at the bottom of the building and it is an anticlimax.
        I think the opening of this film is good in someways but bad in others, i do not think that personally is for me as i know it is going to be a fake of the real marvel films and i do not like this idea. On the other hand i think the opening scene sets the scene and makes you want to see what is going to happen next.

Opening to James Bond

The long shot on the mountains sets the scene, having the close ups on the car and on the gun gets us excited because we realize their is going to be alot of violence. All the close ups on the cars being shots gives us a real incite to what is happening and makes us feel as if we are their. The over the shoulder view enables us to see in front of James Bond and lets us see what he is seeing. Many shot types are constantly being used. this is so that we get a real feel for the film.
        Their is a fast editing pace, this is so that the scenes flow quickly to show all the action taking place, also it keeps us gripped as we what to know constantly what is going to happen to the main character, also a fast editing pace lets us see all the minor details.
        We get the impression that this film is targeted towards boys, this is because boys like to be able to think they can relate it to real life. Having guns and violence means that this group of people are gripped instantly from the start till the end.
        A loud piece of music constantly being played in the background builds tension in a chase scene like this, it makes you feel different emotions and you get a real feel for the film. also it makes you wonder if he is going to get away as at some point the music changes pitch and it makes you sit on the edge of your seat hoping he does get away, but we he does the chase continues and the music continues.
         We can instantly tell that this film film is going to be an action due to the loud noises the nice cars and all the guns we are also able to tell who the main protagonists are going to be and we can take a guess who the hero is going to be. The explosions and people dying are usually the main conventions of an action film.
        I think the opening of this film is really good, this is because it gives you a real feel for all of the characters, it sets the scene perfectly and finally it keeps you gripped and makes you want to find out what is going to happen next.